Monday, December 11, 2023



 Rumor the exchange rate had changed.  It has not changed...It doesn't make sense for them to change the exchange rate in one location and not another.  What's to keep people from taking their Iraqi dinar to the new 1 to 1 location, exchanging their currency, getting tons of money, running back over to another location that has not yet changed the exchange rate, buy more cheap Iraqi dinar, then run back over to the new exchange rate...You're making millions of dollars.  This is why you'll never hear, 'Oh, they have an in-country rate and out-country rate.'  No, the rate is the same.  That doesn't make any sense where out there is there a location where it's 1 to 1 and not at other locations.

 Remember Iraq is an importing country, not like Vietnam who's exporting...They have room for the Iraqi dinar to grow.  This will allow them allow them to bring in goods from around the world to the Iraqi people...

 Question:  "Article 140, HCL, Oil and Gas - RV ready?"

  Even if they pass that doesn't mean the RV is going to to happen.  That's what I keep telling people...There are people out there...telling you, 'Yeah, once the HCL, oil and gas law passes then we're going to see an increase in the exchange rate.'  They say that about everything. 'Well, the new budget, it's impossible for them to move forward without a higher exchange rate.' Or 'They can't get into the World Trade Organization without a higher exchange rate.'  All those are lies.  They can. 

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