Saturday, December 16, 2023


 Nader From The Mid East 

 It's a very good video [Central Bank Iraqi's dinar propaganda/advertisement  video that came out Friday - you can see it below Guru Frank26's 12-8-2023 post] .  I like it a lot...It's an advertisement for Iraq to use only Iraqi dinars.  That's very very very good thing.  That's big big step.  Big step we taken.  It's not bad...I said it before and I'm repeating it, in January things it's going to change big, big, big, time.  Big time.  If I was you, I'll be ready. 

They are start to prepare people to use only the dinar and they start advertisement...they call it education, I call it advertisement.  Things are going good...somewhere 1 to 1. 

[See the Iraqi dinar advertisement video under Guru Frank26's post below]

Question "Can you talk about the steps involved in cashing in dinars?"  When exchange  time comes we're going to have to go to three things - Redemption center, 1-800# or the army base.   :)

  [Nader is clearly joking about  these three things]...People are telling them that.  That's wrong.   The only thing you can do to change your money, walk to your bank, if they accept it, or go through exchange offices.  There's no redemption centers, no army bases, there is no 1-800#s,  nothing that way.

 [NOTE:  Gurus disagree on the potential exchange procedures.  Stay tuned to Dinar Guru as this important subject  unfolds and become clear.]

They are start to prepare people to use only the dinar and they start advertisement...they call it education, I call it advertisement.  Things are going good...somewhere 1 to 1. [See the Iraqi dinar advertisement video under Guru Frank26's post below]

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