Saturday, December 30, 2023


 Mnt Goat  

 ...we can see what is slowly happening is that Iraq is moving back to a normalcy of their financial system an international normalcy. It takes much more than just putting in place the banking reforms, the means and the mechanisms to do it as we have witnessed over the past years. But now they are actually doing it. It may be slow but remember they are still under the strong arm of the US Treasury on this matter too and are working very closely with them at their pace. In many ways this is good as we want the US to support this process when it comes time to give the “green light”. This is why so many visits by the US Treasury to Iraq.

..there is always one news article to grab my attention and stands out from the rest...WOW, WOW, WOW news. It says that the purpose of foreign currency in Iraq is to deal with it outside the [national] economy, so it is not possible to consider the existence of a price in the dollar and a price in the dinar: one rises and the other falls.  No monetary policy can control such a situation ...Folks this is just what we have been waiting for so long to hear...This is huge news.

 They are finally getting off the sanctioned use of ONLY US dollars for trade outside Iraq.  Yes, they are beginning to act now like they are out of the UN 1991 & 2003 sanctions, that by the way, happened over a year agoSo, yes, it is about time. We all should be jumping for joy and maybe even taking a couple sips (I said just a couple) of that refrigerated champagne… lol.. lol.. lol.  Save the rest for what is coming next and that includes going to the bank

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