Friday, December 1, 2023


  Militia Man:

  ...Iraq is going International big time…Iraq is considered to be one of the world’s wealthiest nations with vast reserves…They have the money they need for a new real effective exchange rate. With the oil, natural gas, sulfer, precious metals etc…they can afford it. 

 All the data we've had in the last two weeks has been pretty much phenomenal because it sets the stage of so many things that converge on one another.

 A number of bankers I know are seeing “Pending” on the screens instead of “on hold” .   Which is what they have seen on a number of currencies…  So for the first time bankers are reporting seeing pending now.  Depending on the bank…different rates are showing like $4.50 or $4.60 on the dinar.  We don’t know if this is a test…or this is “it”. We don’t know if they are priming or prepping the system.

 ”Central Bank Governor: Washington responds to all that Iraq needs in terms of dollars and meeting with it next month 28th of Nov.”  This article was from yesterday.  Quote:  “There are no restrictions on Iraqi funds abroad”  This is what we call “International”  Awesome things are coming out of Iraq.  Question:   I am hearing that a Dinar rate announcement is likely in the next couple days...are you hearing the same with reason for confidence?   MarkZ:  I am hearing that.

..A new exchange rate...will likely be coming quickly now. The salaries will need it, the budget spending for projects will need it, getting into the international global financial system will require it.

 Article:  "The dollar exchange rates are subject to the forces of supply and demand in the market"  By adding other currencies from around the world they're going do diminish the need for the dollar and therefore it's basically going to go away...these guys are not playing games anymore...The US Treasury, Central Bank of Iraq, US Federal Reserve they are all working towards going one direction and that's to enhance the Global Financial System...

Article:  "The highest among the Gulf countries.. The Arab Monetary Fund expects the Iraqi economy to grow by 4.5%"  

There is likely no doubt that Iraq is about to have massive growth going forward. To be the highest just now among all middle eastern countries is going to be a big deal. I suspect the ISX is going to be on fire this next year even more so than ever before..

 There's things happening as we speak - one thing after another.  I can't imagine anybody being discouraged at this time because of the nature of what's happening

Article:   "Ministry of Transport intends to open direct airlines towards Australia, America, Malaysia

 It's not just about a few regional countries.  It's about many different places.  Once you start opening up the airports all the investors can gain access to the country to take charge of their investment, produce their businesses.  It's a really big thing to have an international airport full...they have their capacity...what they're using today is at 100% and they're not even international yet...

They're saying it's done.  I really like that.  I think you guys should be happy about it because if all the currency swaps are taken care of...I think it's a precursor to an exchange rate change in the future.

Article:  " With the participation of 120 companies...the launch of the Iraq International Building, Construction and Infrastructure Exhibition "

  This...being launched in Baghdad for the next few days is not surprising at all on the back of all the WTO meetings...since Oct 31st regarding Iraq's accession to the organization.

 The 2023-2024-2025 budget is about investment primarily into infrastructure.  It takes a lot of capital to build a country back...It will take massive amounts. It is far too expensive with 1310 exchange rate. An internationally accepted REER will likely make it far cheaper.

What's the exchange rate crisis?  It's been at 1310 since the early part of 2023.  They devalued to 1460 then they adjusted it by 10%.  What's not good about that?  What did it prove?  That adjustment the World Bank was talking about of 10.3% is actually a positive sign because what did it do?  It staved off inflation...There's some positive aspects to some of these things...Revaluations happen.  They need to be tested.

Article:  "Alaq says the rise in the exchange rate in his time and the project to delete the zeros still exists"   When was that?  July 26, 2023.  The plan is still underway, hasn't changed.  It's a dynamic and fluid circumstance.  We had the Bank of International Settlements come out and talk about highly complex financial transactions ...shocks, warning people...we can see there's some fireworks going the background.  

We're hoping Iraq will show us they have Article VIII compliance any time now.   Let's see what happens...

 Article [via MeetMeOnline] quote: 

 "Easing of global commodity prices, the revaluation of the dinar, the continued price subsidies are projected to keep inflation in check...

 This is coming from the World Bank...price subsidies are projected to keep inflation in check because of why?  Because of the revaluation of the dinar...The World Bank are the ones talking about the revaluation of the dinar and the revaluation will help facilitate [many things] ...

  Article quote:  "Many countries in the region and the world have expressed a great desire to participate in this project [Iraq's Development Road Project] especially since it will be the most appropriate, shortest, least expensive way to transport goods between the continents of Asia and Europe"

  It's going to be a major hub of the globe and you're thinking that Iraq can't ever revalue their currency?  I think that is just flat-out silly.  To think that it's not going to ever happen...the news speaks for itself...

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