Sunday, December 24, 2023



 [via PDK]  Comment:  Exchanges should not be taxed…but, be prepared.  MarkZ:  That’s the way I look at it...memo from the US State Dept. directly about Iraq...The last sentence says “There are no taxes or subsidies on purchases or sales of foreign exchange.” [NOTE: Always consult with your tax professional at the appropriate time to determine the right tax for your unique circumstances.]

 Pretty quiet from Iraq so far today. One of my sources believe the local elections had some effect on our timing and are finishing the ballot counting before they release rates. If hes accurate…the counting should be finished in the next day or so, Possibly as early as today.  I have one source in Iraq who believes they will release the rate in Iraq as soon as they finish seating  these new electees. Possibly in a day or so or as early as today.

 So far this morning - very quiet…no real changes since last night. There is nothing negative…Just no news saying anyone is spending any money yet this morning. Maybe we will get more news throughout the day today.

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