Monday, December 11, 2023



  [via PDK]  ...I am hearing the push is to be well underway by [January].  I’m hearing they still want money moving by Christmas.  But nobody knows the timing…

 I have one real positive banking story. A banker who was working at one of the large banks that is planning on being part of all of this…they work in wealth management...he figured out the RV was real and started buying currency. He switched jobs because of pressure and went to work at another bank in a lower level of wealth management …

Well they told him they were preparing now for all of this…The RV and revaluations. This is another real world report from a member of our community telling us the banks are ready and this is real. This is very exciting to me...Upper level and mid level bankers are now being informed.  I know of 5 stories like this just this month on people we personally know getting a “heads up” from bankers.

 ...a little ad...has been rolling all over Iraqi television lately. Talking about the dinar and how great it is. They are running ads talking about the future of the dinar...

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