Saturday, December 2, 2023



 Floating a national currency is intended determine its price in a free market according to the forces of supply and demand.  That is what we are looking for...

 There is no overnight RV and The main reason why that could never happen is because the money supply in Iraq is too significant.  There's close to 90 trillion dinar in circulation which makes it impossible for there to be such an event

A significant increase in the value of the dinar at or equal to its face value with 90 trillion dinar in circulation would, in essence, be six times the value of the entire countries wealth..

.This is why I have stated numerous times that if and when the dinar ever was to go up in value, it would have to go up gradually over time so that the dinar money supply could be reduced. But that only could occur if Iraq's economy began to significantly prosper.

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