Saturday, December 30, 2023



 IMO the monetary reform will mature...They are trying their best to help you understand they are about to give you [Iraqi citizens] your monetary reform in the coming days.  I don't care what rate it comes out at just release the tiger...

Question:  "Can any country RV their currency whenever they want?"  Yeah but they have to go through the IMF.  That's what the International Monetary Fund does - they regulate all the banks around the world and allow them to either increase, decrease, print new currency, destroy their currency, change their exchange rate

 There is a systematic way of doing it.  They're called international banking laws.
The black market rate will no longer be...The black market rate is the American dollar.  The CBI wants the official rate 1310 to match the dollar rate.  That means the currency of Iraq is too low...  Slowly we're having a reciprocal effect where the dollar is going down and the dinar is going up...

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