Sunday, December 17, 2023



 There is hidden information being revealed in these [This week's bank story] phone calls...They're running out of time...The Venturi effect of the whole monetary reform is becoming so narrow he can barely get everything through fast enough right now.  

The employees are being educated/updated.  Very good.  They are telling them the dinar...we'll be doing it, sure...The banks know when and they're getting the customers ready and preparing them...This is what I am coming across...You may be still getting a lot of denials and that's still to be expected, but I am a central hub of information.  People call me because they want me to share it with you...these bank stories are powerful.

 [California Golden Valley Bank Story] 

Bank Story Lady: (family friend) had an appointment yesterday.  Whenever the banker found out how many dinar that we are holding in our group which is about half a billion he said that was too much, they weren't going to be able to handle that much...Then this morning he got a call from his bank Golden Valley and they said look we had a meeting about you and your group last night.  

FRANK:  They had a meeting about his issue with the dinar?

  BANK STORY LADY:  Yes, because it was so much.  They invited him back...we're waiting for that update.

 FRANK:  The updates came...Turns out this bank has told this group of people...we can't handle that much volume at our banks, therefore we are sending you to an exchange center and they will give you 4.5% to put it in the bank.  They said Morgan Stanley are the people we are going to introduce you to for a management company to help you when you come in towards the end of the year.  

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