Monday, December 11, 2023



 We're at the stage now where there's no need to look for anything.  There's a need to watch everything that's coming out.  Everything that's going to be coming out is the ambrosia of our study, the reward of our years of studying together.  

There's only one thing left on the CBI's and Sudani's part of the monetary reform...bring out the new exchange rate and the new national currency that belongs to the Iraqi citizens and to their future.  That' the one thing that's left.  

  There is no more guessing.  The World Bank has just told the whole world Iraq is about to raise the value of its currency.

Question: "How long will we have to exchange IYO?"  The American dollar 3-zero notes are still legal tender.  They're from the turn of last century!  We still have 3-zero notes...and they've never been expired.  But in this case it's different.  IMO I think they'll probably give you within a year.  Therefore it could be a year, six months, 3 months ...

Of course they [the banks] are going to verify it [your dinars upon exchange].  I love when people say, 'Hey Frank I need my Certificate of Authenticity...So I can give it to the guy at the bank to prove this is real dinars.'  Who told you that?  'The guy that sold me the dinars...'When you take your dinars to a bank they are not going to say let me see your certificate of authenticity.  They will tell you if they are real or not.

  The CBI meetings are in Dubai right now...they are coming to a conclusion.  Were the CBI meetings discussing, should we use this rate, should we do this, this this, that?  No.  What they were discussing is, 'Are we going to release it on this date at this rate and this is what we have to do and this, this, this and this.'  Okay!  Now these meetings IMO are coming to a conclusion.  Yeah, they are working a few things but it's over and done with.

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