Sunday, December 3, 2023



 [via WiserNow]   

Lets talk about rates...We had rates on redemption center screens on dinar and Dong that were put out... definitely that were terrific. Excellent... Notice I said on redemption center screens not banks...Because rates at the redemption center will be higher than they are in the banks  - Our contacts see rates on the bank screens - They also see rates in the redemption center screens – I can tell you know they are that much higher – as much as 4 times higher on redemption center screens than they are on the bank screens...

  Iraq is looking to put their HCL law in the Gazette along with their new international rates...And since [Friday] is a High Holy Day -  I don't know this, but I think they would probably put it in the virtual online version, if you will, the digital Gazette on Friday, and...put it in the printed version of the Gazette on Saturday.

...we really do have good contact in Iraq. And we're getting word that the ATM machines are filled with the lower denomination bills like ours...10 20 50 and 100 dinar notes -   I think those are all available in the actual ATM machines...Now they have been working...since Thanksgiving - maybe a little bit  before that - in the airport locations in Baghdad and at the border location – where ever the ATM’s are at the border...they are working now and they are in use...I do not believe they're all in use all over the country yet. But I think that is about to change...they are minting new coins for people to use...Iraqis  are going to feel a little jingle in their pockets soon...

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