Friday, December 29, 2023



Question:  "Do you believe in redemption centers?"  I have not been able to confirm that redemption centers exist.  But just because I haven't been able to confirm it doesn't mean they don't exist.

 Here's the the thing, a country doesn't claim its independence hoping that one day they become independent.  Nope, they claim their independence when they are independent.

  They are no longer waiting for their independence.  I'm talking about banking reform, economic reform, military, geopolitical, every level.  They're not waiting to be independent, they are waiting for the day to celebrate their independence.  Independence is upon them now.

  It is who they are.  That dinar is about to be independent and travel the world like a free little bird and baby I cannot wait to celebrate!  It has been too long.

  When the UST Secretary Rosenberg was here a couple weeks ago, the day after she left, auctions changed...and there were changes after the UN meetings.  There have been tons of changes because things have been signed off.

 Sunday, Alaq makes an official announcement... there's going to be massive important shifts in external transfer mechanism and it says this came after an agreement between the CBI and the US Federal Bank. What they're saying is at the end of the year, January 1, the Central Bank of Iraq's auctions will be completely different.  They will be run like all the other international central banks of the world.  That's what will happen January 1.  That's an announcement.  

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