Monday, December 25, 2023


 Frank26 (KTFA)

[Reno NV Bank Story]

 The reason I share these with you is because the pattern is changing…

BANK STORY WOMAN: I called the branch office…of Chase. I could tell I was talking to a lower level employee but I decided to continue with my questioning. I asked, the clerk if they did foreign currency exchange and she said yes, ma’am we do.  Then I asked her if the bank would be exchanging the Iraqi dinar and dong…She said not at this time ma’am…

FRANK: ‘Not at this time’. That is a pinch of hope, no doubt.

BANK STORY WOMAN: I asked, do you have any idea when they might be exchanging She said we never know.  Not once did she tell me it was a scam.  She was encouraging me.  She did say we would have to have an account to exchange.

“When we go to exchange is the removal of the 3-zero notes going to affect the value of our dinar?”

If you look at the American currency…we actually have a $500…$1,000…$10,000 bill…but after World War II our country become very powerful and we got rid of the 3 zeros just what Iraq is doing but we didn’t do it physically.  We did it on our exchange rate… Those zero notes are still legal tender…

The HCL is waiting for what you’re waiting for, what the contracts are waiting for, what everybody’s waiting for – the new exchange rate.  You see the new exchange rate you got the HCL automatically.  It has no choice but to come out hand in hand.  One feeds the other.  But only once can feed the other, not both ways.  It’s not symbiotic. 

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