Saturday, December 9, 2023


 Rumored Timing of the Restored Republic via a Global Currency Reset:

Wed. 6 Dec. China announced their gold-backed Yuan, incentivizing countries across the Globe to abandon trading the US Dollar and switch to the Yuan instead. The last USD auction in Iraq was on Dec. 6th.

Fri. 15 Dec. Worldwide Banking Crash, Media Blackout and Ten Days of Darkness begin. The World Bank is expected to collapse on Friday December 15, 00:01 ET

On Mon. 1 Jan. all gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.

Tues. 30 Jan. 2024 deadline for implementation of Protocol 20 by major corporations around the world that have interfaced their networks on the QFS.

In three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.

The GESARA Blockchain Election takes place in 120 days or by Mon. 1 April 2024. Everything will be ready by 30 Jan. 2024

Global Currency Reset:
Fri. 8 Dec. Patriot Rod Steel recorded a message tonight saying 10 rocket bombs hit American Bases in Iraq today, Fri. 8 Dec. and that’s what is holding up the RV.

Fri. 8 Dec. TNT:  It was supposed to go Thurs. night 7 Dec. Everyone was waiting on the IMF to release it. After a meeting earlier today Fri. 8 Dec, contacts said it will happen by Mon. 11 Dec. Sun. 10 Dec. is Iraq’s Victory Day, so Tony thinks it might happen then. 

People that have already contacted their banks are being called in to go over the procedures for the exchange, interest rates they would pay them, debit and credit cards that will be available to them, etc. Banks are acknowledging that it is happening and that they want people to choose them.

Fri. 8 Dec. MarkZ: China’s gold backed Yuan is now the new reserve currency for OPEC and oil producing nations. This happened very quietly and the news is refusing to report this. They are doing their best to hide this fact. This is enormous. The petro dollar has died this week. This is an enormous blow to the US hegemony. We are going to watch this play out quickly. I side with Bruce’s Intel, but guess it will be the 16th or 17th of this month.

Fri. 8 Dec. Wolverine: “I’m getting some good news, guys. Pray for tomorrow Sat. 9 Dec, but it may be tonight.”
Fri. 8 Dec. Kenneth Kingery: The admiral in Reno gave the green light. Whales are being paid. Everyone else Mon. 11 Dec. and Tues. 12 Dec.

Fri. 8 Dec. Tomas: “It’s rolling. All Tiers started but Tier4.”
Fri. 8 Dec. Blue Ray: Whales are being paid!!!  They are the tier right before us!  The admiral gave the green light in Reno!  That’s why all the millionaires are being announced over the weekend on the US debt clock!

Fri. 8 Dec. Guardian MQnkey INTEL: I have to be very careful here. How many bullets can you hold in a revolver? 1 bullet = 1 day How many days until the gun is empty? That’s all I will say. Get ready.
Fri. 8 Dec. Goldilocks: Look for XRP and XLM to be one of the first movers in the new digital asset based trading system.
Thurs. 7 Dec. Bruce: Just got an email from my handler. We will get notification tomorrow Fri. 8 Dec. by late afternoon. It’s done. It’s done. It’s blankey blank done.

Thurs. 7 Dec. Ginger’s Liberty Lounge on Telegram: Michael Ruben has been in contact with Mauricio Castano in Columbia and he’s given the gentleman THE MUCH ANTICIPATED GREEN LIGHT to pay out the 28 Paymasters in Columbia, which will result in them receiving FULL LIQUIDITY – in other words, SPENDABLE MONEY to those in their groups, whom they are responsible for funding.

Wed. 6 Dec. Texas Snake: While I won’t be opening the room until morning there have been two announcements made today identifying two dates having some importance for our pending reward for the time thus far dedicated to this anticipated exchange.  These dates are Dec 8th and 14th.  Will get into more of the significance of these dates in the morning but the most important take away is the 8th as all contractors are being paid at the Dinar new currency rate to be announced on the 8thfor acceptance into recognized acceptance by the IMF and World Trade Organization, that rate being $5.41 for foreign exchange commerce.
Wednesday December 6, 2023 Bob: The four test deliveries finished last night and Reno will begin tonight Wed. Dec. 6. EU and Zurich tomorrow Thurs. 7 Dec. Reno payments start Thursday 7 Dec. and EU and Zurich payments start Monday the 11th. I pray they allow Billion Sow to start Thursday 7 Dec.
Wed. 6 Dec. MarkZ Listener Sean Kenney: Heard from a finance guy that on New Years Eve the ATMs will be loaded with the new currencies.

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