Friday, December 29, 2023


 Global Currency Reset:

On Mon. 1 Jan. 2024:
The Global Currency Reset of all BRICS nations.
Iran officially joins BRICS on Mon. 1 Jan. 2024
The new gold asset/backed US Notes will be put in the ATMs on Mon. 1 Jan. 2024 and be available to the general public on Tues. 2 Jan.
Social Security increases of $2,000-$3,000 per month will begin in Jan.
Iraq will no longer accept the fiat US Dollar beginning Mon. 1 Jan. 2024.

  • Thurs. 28 Dec. Bruce: Bruce was told by Redemption Center staff that this would likely be his last call. Two separate sources said there was a possibility Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) could get notified Fri. 29 Dec. and be exchanging Sat. 30 Dec. Bruce’s Super Intel Source said the Sat. date could pertain to Bond Holders and that Tier4b would receive emails on Mon. 1 Jan. and set appointments for Tues. 2 Jan. The new gold-backed US Notes would be put in ATMs on Mon. 1 Jan. Restitution and Recreation Allowances payout will start at the end of the first week in Jan. 2024. Social Security payments will get a significant increase in January.
  • Tues. 26 Dec. Wolverine: “I have word now that the appointments have started. Things are happening.”
  • Tues. 26 Dec. Rod Steel: Any time between Tues. Dec. 26 to Fri. 29 Dec. with heavy emphasis on the 29th. Analysis says that if the Iraqi banks close on the 28th it’ll be the  29th or after. So, here we go!
  • Five days after RV begins the public will have access to Med Beds. Treatments are free, with children having critical medical conditions going first.
  • Social Security increases of $2,000-$3,000 per month will begin in Jan. 2024. The R&R lump sum payments will begin for those 62 and older on 5 Jan. 2024 and beyond to the end of the month. Ages 30-50, 50-61 will have their R&R paid out monthly over two years time with the requisite that they keep their job, or get a job.
  • The Federal US Dollar will no longer be used after Feb. 20 2024.
  • Wed. 27 Dec. GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, Protocol QFS 20, and DINAR are components of the New Financial System. Everything Is Related! – American Media Group (
  • Thurs. 28 Dec. Iraq and BRICS – The RV Writing is Now on the Wall. The probabilities of an Iraqi Dinar RV just got a lot higher… Big moves with BRICS Alliance.

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