Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Iraqi President Stresses Stability for Economic Growth, 5 DEC

 Iraqi President Stresses Stability for Economic Growth

In a recent meeting, Iraqi President Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid received Interior Minister Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, underscoring the relevance of stability as a critical factor for achieving economic progress. The key message conveyed was the impact of maintaining stability on promoting investment and the expansion of the private sector.

Stability: The Stepping Stone to Economic Growth

President Rashid’s emphasis on stability signifies the government’s commitment towards fostering an environment that is secure and conducive to economic growth and private sector participation. This stance not only bolsters the confidence of potential investors but also creates a favourable landscape for the growth and development of the private sector.

Security and Economic Prospects

The discussion between President Rashid and Minister Al-Shammari likely spanned various aspects of internal security and its influence on the country’s economic potential. The focus was possibly on how enhanced security measures could pave the way for a robust economy, thereby attracting more investment and strengthening the private sector.

Denial of Dollar Crisis

Amidst these discussions, President Rashid denied the existence of a dollar crisis in the country, asserting Iraq’s economic stability. He further accentuated the need to attract investments and ameliorate infrastructure, suggesting that a stable and secure Iraq has the potential to thrive economically.

Such a discussion between the president and the interior minister is paramount in a time when stability is a key driver for economic growth. By ensuring a secure environment, Iraq can look forward to enhanced economic prospects and increased private sector participation.


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