Thursday, December 14, 2023

Global Efforts to Boost Inbound Tourism: A Three-Year Plan Unveiled, 14 DEC

 In an ambitious, three-year pursuit to amplify inbound tourism, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism is embarking on a series of strategic initiatives aimed at elevating the tourism experience and ensuring widespread benefits. The plan includes refining the policy environment, mitigating existing obstacles, fostering unity within the industry, and stimulating product innovation.

Shanghai’s Global Tourism Ambassadors

Shanghai has kickstarted the ‘Visit Shanghai’ campaign, launching a fresh wave in its tourism industry. The city has designated seven international ambassadors, each hailing from a different country, to represent ‘Shanghai Global Tourism’. This initiative also saw the release of a new culture and tourism promotional video, and the signing of cooperation agreements with Shanghai Global News Network, SMG International, and China Tourism Academy. The city’s inbound tourism market has shown promising growth, with 2.299 million visits recorded in the first three quarters of the year. Going forward, 2024 will witness a series of cultural activities, sports events, and continuous optimization of the inbound tourism environment.

Religious Tourism: Iraq and Punjab

Meanwhile, the Ambassador of Iraq engaged in discussions with Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi on promoting bilateral relations and religious tourism. The conversation touched upon the potential of religious tourism between the two countries and the Punjab government’s endeavors to create an investment-friendly environment. To streamline this process, a Facilitation Centre has been set up in Lahore, with similar centers planned for other cities. The Iraqi ambassador expressed keen interest in leveraging the investment opportunities in Punjab.

Boosting Tourism in Karnataka

Elsewhere, Karnataka’s tourism minister HK Patil unveiled a new tourism policy aimed at enhancing tourism in the state. This initiative includes infrastructure improvement at tourist spots, promoting public-private participation in monument adoption, and resolution of disputes between government departments and stakeholders. The state government has identified 856 monuments for conservation, with plans to notify 500 more next year, inviting private firms, NGOs, and public participation in the conservation efforts. Initiatives for education, agriculture, adventure, wildlife, and religious tourism are also part of this comprehensive plan.

Focus on Sustainable Development in Greek Tourism

In Greece, Tourism Minister Olga Kefalogianni announced a new legal framework for spatial plan defining land use for tourism purposes. This will prioritize sustainable development, diversifying and improving the competitiveness of the tourism product, upgrading tourism education, and strengthening the promotion of Greek tourism. Significant emphasis is being placed on marine tourism and the upgradation of tourist port infrastructure. The first Mediterranean Coastal and Maritime Tourism Observatory is also in the pipeline, marking a new phase in tourism promotion through digital transformation.

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