Sunday, December 24, 2023

Central Banks And The Global Debt Catastrophe For Governments, Businesses, And Ordinary People, 24 DEC

Central Banks And The Global Debt Catastrophe For Governments, Businesses, And Ordinary People

December 21, 2023

Here is a trip down the rabbit hole of central banks and the global debt catastrophe for governments, businesses, and ordinary people.

December 21 (King World News) – Alasdair Macleod: Surely, it is now apparent that central banks are guilty of mismanaging the economy. By slashing interest rates to zero and in some cases to an unnatural minus figure, then flooding financial systems with currency-equivalent credit conjured out of nothing followed by rapidly increasing interest rates in an attempt to stem the consequences, central banks have bankrupted themselves and much of their entire economies. 

Even though hapless economists and money managers are still in thrall to them, central banks have proved themselves to be unfit for purpose. It is time for a new system based on true economic demand for credit without state interference.

The ineptitude of the monetary planners is now sharply focused by events in Argentina, whose new president has vowed to close the central bank and introduce a currency board for the peso backed by the US dollar. Far from being a maverick politician, President Milei is being well advised. Currency boards work, imposing an automatic discipline on government spending.

This opens up the debate between free banking without central banks under gold standards, and the fiat currency system which gives central banks the power of debasement. Commercial banking without central banks is the historical norm, and the evils of statist currency management is a more recent development.

Those who argue that central banks represent progress from free banking are clearly in the wrong.

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