Wednesday, November 8, 2023


 Tues. 7 Nov. 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#

  • On Sat. 4 Nov. we had word that NESARA had been activated
  • The FED is gone and we are under the Restored Republic designed after the Republic of 1873. We are no longer under the US Corporation.
  • The new gold/asset-backed USN has been out and traded for at least a couple of weeks.
  • They only want us to take up to $3,500 in cash from our appointments.
  • I think the 800s will come out on Wed. 8 Nov.  The notifications to make redemption/ exchange appointments will come out either right before or a few hours after Trump’s announcements, likely after.
  • At 3pm this afternoon the 800’s were being reloaded and reworked with the emails. They know all about us and who we are. 
  • The US Treasury has reorganized and works with the Starlink System. In so doing they have eliminated half a million emails of those not worthy of that exchange. The bad people won’t get the emails, but if they do get an appointment at a Redemption Center they will not be allowed to exchange
  • The Military has to give the Green Light to the Treasury and Redemption Centers and then we can go with the 800’s numbers.  
  • There was a good Dinar rate on the Bank back screens yesterday and that will go to the front screen as per Forex rates, but our rates will be higher. The Redemption Centers have their own rates so we need to use that toll free number to make our appointments and exchange.
  • Four different military sources say Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) notification Wed. 8 Nov. evening and we could exchange on Thurs. 9 Nov.  

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