Tuesday, November 7, 2023



No! No! The IQD has not yet revalued and won’t even have a remote chance to revalue and go to FOREX until January 2024 and this too might be in jeopardy due to the war. But so far, so good. No, the newer lower denominations are not yet in the ATMs. The is absolutely no solid proof of this other than more intel guru talk and rumors. I have outlined to you already how this is impossible to do slowly as the citizens will need the ATMs for petty cash of the 3 zeros notes until the RV occurs, once they get paid on payroll. This is an event that must coincide with the project to delete the zeros. I can hardly believe anyone would even tell you the ATMs are loaded. How stupid and irresponsible. If this is true then show me the proof. I am so sick and tired of all these stupid guru rumors over and over again. They have not even yet educated the people as to the details and timing of this event. I am in close contact with the CBI with my contact who also happens to be a personal good friend of mine. I met my contact while stationed in Baghdad with the US Army. So, I do not think there will be any lies told to me. 

Once again, the IQD is NOT yet trading on FOREX. I can assure you of these FACTS with 1000% accuracy. So, stop listening to all these clowns out there spreading unverified rumors.

Today, Monday (November 6, 2023), an informed source revealed new details regarding the visit of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to Baghdad. The meeting lasted for about 5 continuous hours and included meetings with political elites.  Secrecy surrounded the visit noting that “his wearing of armor and riding in a military helicopter with his work team. This is evidence that he came within an atmosphere of alert war because he was afraid of any surprises.  

He pointed out that some elites from Iraq stressed an urgent message to Blinken that if the situation is not contained in Gaza, then the explosion in the Middle East is just a matter of time away, especially with the White House’s complete bias in favor of Israel and its failure to condemn the killing and wounding of more than 30,000 Palestinians within 4 weeks in Gaza and the rest of the cities. He continued, “What the US Secretary of State heard during his visit to Baghdad is worrying, especially since his administration’s position on the events in Gaza cannot be ignored in light of the continuous bloodshed that has sparked anger for all Iraqi components without exception, and the escalation of the targeting of bases is very likely, especially with the position of the Sadrist movement, which did not “It wouldn’t be surprising.”  Despite its “peaceful” stance towards Israel, the Kurdistan region is confused because it was not included in Blinken’s visit…oops! 

I will let everybody know what my stance in with this war between Hamas and Israel. It appears the propaganda news media strikes again. Why do they always take the side of evil as they are now siding with Hamas and you can read it in their news broadcasts. Why do these Palestinians hate the Jews in Israel? Oh…wait….they don’t hate the Jews. They believe the Gaza strip is their land and Israel should be removed from it. That is all. So who is Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists have to do with it? Simply put they don’t have anything to do with the land dispute however they are dirty and deadly terrorists using this land dispute for their own purposes. Get it? So what is their purpose? 

Their purpose is Iran’s purpose and that is to kill Jews and irradicate Israel altogether. How many times have we heard Iran state this fact? We know for a FACT Iran is supporting Hamas and Hezbollah. So how thick are people not to see the real truth as to what is going on over there in the middle east. Yes, there are Palestinians dyeing and many of them. I do pray for their souls as I also pray for the souls of many Israels too. War is not pleasant and there will be civilian casualties. The Israeli army is trying not to target civilians and to be as humanitarian as possible. But Israel did not start this war. They were attacked in an unrevoked, surprise attack by Amas. The terrorists group Amas drew first blood. Get it? 

There are parties in Europe, in Iraq and in the US that don’t want the terrorist organization called Amas obliviated and so conveniently they want Israel to pull out and leave them alone. Really? This is the propaganda and many of the protest and rallies by western culture really don’t know the truth and are hiding behind humanitarian causes once again and can’t face the reality of the situation however they will when Amas comes knocking on their door of their nation (if not already here) if not taken out now. I also can’t believe that any US politicians could even think about giving humanitarian aid to the Amas terrorists. This is unbelievably stupid and so you can clearly see where the light shines in many of these so-called progressive liberals in the US. Any of my readers can argue with me all day long on my stance with this war, but I will tell you all war is not nice and people die, It is a fact of war. If you don’t like war and killing and destruction it brings, then try to stop the wars and see who is perpetrating these constant wars and why need these constant wars. Instead of taking your time shouting and demanding in protest in the streets, do some research and see who is behind it all. Then go after them and make sure you vote next November accordingly. 

Being in a war and seeing it first-hand I know how it feels to be shot at and see someone explode into pieces right in front of you as their blood drips down your face from the splatter. So this war in the middle east is dirty but if we don’t finish it there it will come over to your country too. In fact the through the Biden loose immigration policy I believe sleeper cells are already in the US and will be used during the election, if not before to create yet more chaos and crises. 

What else is new in Iraq? 

The Parliamentary Finance Committee renewed its support for the Central Bank’s measures to control the exchange rate. This tells us they are still onboard and working with the CBI towards their common goal or the eventual reinstatement on FOREX. 

Earlier the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives commented on the possibility of Iraq being harmed economically as a result of the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip with the Israeli occupation. Today’s article tells us of some “possible” but not yet, ramifications. I would not yet panic as this war could be contained and that is the serious process now in place. All the pro-Palestinian protests do not help the situation at all. Israel’s prime minister has said they will eliminate this threat once and for all and will do what it takes to complete the mission. I believe Israel wants peace just as much as you and I do. 

So, as your read the articles below you can see there is not much recent new talk about the rate of the dinar and all the problems they are having with the de-dollarization process. I firmly believe the Finance Committee working with the CBI will get it right and finally be able to stop the serge of dollars into the economy that keeps the dollar rate high and the dinar rate low. The solution in there and I hope they can execute on it prior to January when they told us there will be no more dollars used, even in paying for import trading, which is today about 200 million US dollars a day. Will other trading partners live up to there agreements in the use of there own currencies for trade outside of the dollar? 

Think about this too. If Iraq can manage to get these agreements executed upon when needed next year, if not before, then they will no longer need the $200 million dollars to pay for imports. Instead, they can take the dollars and convert them to the countries’ currencies they are trading with. This helps create demands for other countries’ currencies too as well as the Iraqi dinar thus everyone makes out and can prosper if done correctly. This could very well be part of what the CBI is waiting for as it has been a long road since January 2023 began. But remember even when they are ready, the US, IMF and the World Bank all have to agree to give the green light and they live up to it. 


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