Wednesday, November 8, 2023


  Militia Man  

 The ascension to the World Trade Organization is a key component but they need a value to be able to do that for pricing all the components that are going to come through in and out of the country...That is massive.  We're staring at that right now. 

Article quote:  "The government has achieved a lot in his first year."  I don't disagree with that.  I think the man's been off and running like no other inside the country and globally...He was at the UN assembly meeting.  He went to Europe.  He's been to Switzerland...China... Russia.  He's been doing a lot of things in his first year...

Article:  "Preventing the withdrawal of the dollars in Erbil via the ATMs"...They're closing up shop...They're prohibiting withdrawals of the dollar via ATM machines...the process is happening. 

 Quote:  "The elimination of the parallel markets and parallel exchange rate in the end of the state of the dollarization and trends towards an automatic increase in the value of the dinar. ...I believe...[when] the parallel market goes away within moments, an international acceptable exchange rate...

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