Friday, November 17, 2023


 Militia Man 

  Bank of International Settlements ....when the Central Bank of all central banks starts talking the world starts to listen... Quote:  "One of the outputs of the meeting is the preparation and publication of...workings papers on the latest...monetary policy challenges and how to respond to economic shocks in the countries represented at the meeting."  All these banks....have been told there's going to be challenges ...When you raise the value of currencies...there's going to be consequences ...There's gong to be some good and bad but they're telling you, We're doing something and you need to be prepared...

If you own this currency and are an investor and you don't know what you own it's time to pay attention...because this is all coming to fruition...It's a beautiful time frame to be a so-called 'dinarian'...

The Hydro-Carbon Law will require an international exchange rate.  The 2023, 24, 25 budget will require it.  The salaries and the payment to the citizens will require it.  The WTO will require one.  The house contracts will require one.  The Development Road Projects, economic and financial reforms, all of them are going to require an international acceptable Article VIII compliant exchange rate..

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