Tuesday, November 14, 2023


 Militia Man 

 There's a lot of things that reeking of going international.  

Article quote: "The Central Bank is making intensive efforts through its discussions with the US Federal Reserve Bank to ease restrictions on Iraqi Banks...as well as developing practical solutions to liberalize the Iraqi currency by opening outlets in most of the countries of the world for dealing."  

Hello!?!  It should be a light bulb everybody!  They're talking about going international with what?  The Iraqi dinar...they're going to liberalize the dinar.

 Iraq's going to have a Real Effective Exchange Rate not just a Nominal Effective Exchange Rate and the WTO is going to know about it, so is the UN, so is the United States Treasury, the Bank of International Settlements.  Everybody is going to be paying attention to the amount of money that's going to come out of this country...

  Salaries, oil and gas, what do they need?  Salaries need an exchange rate.  Oil and gas need an exchange rate.  2023, 24, 25 budget need an exchange rate.  All the contracts for housing need an adjustment to the exchange rate to be able to finish those things...

It's fairly cut and dry...what are they looking for?  They're looking for the exchange rate...It hasn't all happened yet.  Why Because it's obvious now.  We're waiting them four in on that pinpoint.  What is it?  There's only one item I think is left to do...

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