Monday, November 13, 2023


 Militia Man  

Salaries, oil and gas, what do they need?  Salaries need an exchange rate.  Oil and gas need an exchange rate.  2023, 24, 25 budget need an exchange rate.  All the contracts for housing need an adjustment to the exchange rate to be able to finish those things...It's fairly cut and dry...what are they looking for?  They're looking for the exchange rate...It hasn't all happened yet.  Why Because it's obvious now.  We're waiting them four in on that pinpoint.  What is it?  There's only one item I think is left to do...

 Article quote:   "The CBI, the federal Reserve signed deals to ease Forex transfers from Iraq after intensive meetings in the UAE..." ...Key in on this one key word - Ease...They say the process is poised to kick off in the coming days.  They're in process of working to doing trade in globally acceptable international currencies ... Phenomenal stuff.

Iraq's assistance for ascension is a key indicator especially when they're talking about post ascension.  That is powerful because if they're talking about post ascension it gives you the heads up that the game's on - They're ready to finish it...

At the moment we're at 1310.  If you drop 3 zeros you have a number...The dinar at 1000...drop the 3 zeros, what are you at?  You're at 1 to 1.  That's the project to delete the zeros off the exchange rate.  Not the currency.  The exchange rate.

 The second workshop the UNCTAD will put on through 11-14 November 2023.   It is for Iraq's on going preparation for WTO accession... They are in it to the end now. They are in a place where they can have accession at anytime that the check boxes are checked...They are not waiting on any distant time frame. It is all a part of the process that they have to go through and the completion stage they are in...Just note, post assistance for Iraq and for after accession is a key indicator that they are in the completion phase.. 

Article quote:  "It's not possible to import the dollar and secure in the local market without registering the dinar in the basket of Arab and international currencies."  Bing!  Wow, what did they just say? ...That's like going back to where they were in the past, that 'previous era'...

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