Tuesday, November 14, 2023



  [via PDK]  “Iraq plans “to neglect the US dollar” and parliament proposes to diversify foreign currency baskets”   Iraq will hold foreign currencies so they can do business in and around the middle east without the US. This story is bigger than it appears. It is all about de-dollarization. We know Iraq plans to be de-dollarized by January 1st. So for Iraq to be de-dollarized by January 1st…then their oil profits, etc will no longer be going through the US system that it is going through now…AND, they will need a fully functional, international currency. We have a really good indicator of when this rv has to happen by. It makes logical sense for it to be sooner.This article is fantastic. 

Question:  So, are we making appointments tomorrow?   MarkZ:   That continues to be a rumor from some banking sources…we shall see…but, they would have to kick it into massive overdrive for that to happen. 

 I don’t expect us to wait much longer. The chatter is huge… Some still thinks we will start tomorrow to set appointments …we shall see.  Nobody knows the exact timing.

 In Vietnam:  “Lego’s 1Bn factory in southern Vietnam is 26 percent complete”  Why is this important?  It’s important because international business is looking at Vietnam as secure and stable…. They are employing up to 4 thousand.  IMO this is a great one.

The seventh Ambassadors conference confirms the increase in Iraq’s effectiveness regionally and internationally   Leaders from different regions got together to talk about their progress. This was a especially fruitful conference in Iraq.

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