Tuesday, November 28, 2023



 [via PDK]   Question:  What is your gut saying right now?  MarkZ:   It was screaming “by Dec 1st”  And, with the news coming out of Iraq I would not be surprised to see it this week. But NOBIDY KNOWS THE EXACT TIMING.

 The chatter in Iraq is extremely awesome right now... I am hearing today that they are educating folks and spreading lower denominations ...brand new lower denominations. 

They are more prominent in the Kurdish region now is what I heard. A number of ministers have said that the ”parallel market” will be fixed in the coming days. How are they going to fix that? A revaluation.

There is so much happening…..Its shaking out to be an interesting few days. Article:  “Iraq Financial Delegation heads to Ankara to discuss trade with Turkey”  this is more Iraq coming on the International scene. They continue to function as if they are already a member of the World Trade Organization. They are busy making regional alliances.

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