Saturday, November 25, 2023



  [via PDK] 

  We have some bank stories I think you will enjoy... I thought this was a fantastic one:  I am editing the name of the bank for the bank and the individual’s safety:  I have an account with -----------I was there the other day talking with a bank manager.

 I asked her if she knew about Basel 3 and the changes in banks requirements in becoming a world’s currency exchange center and gold backed institution…She said they knew about the changes...and that they had been watching me (The bank customer) and had a portfolio on me and they were excited for me and hoped they could keep me as a customer…. She said that was all she could say…and she may have said to much. I think this was fantastic. We have heard similar stories from other members.

 Lots of financial experts are... still hoping we see the RV by Dec 1st.  That is their goal.  And Iraq has been very clear it needs to go by Jan 1st.

In Iraq they do not have a rate posted yet. But we continue to hear great things that should happen in the coming days. We don’t know the timing but it sure appears close...I believe this currency window is still wide open waiting for someone to say “go” ...

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