Tuesday, November 21, 2023



 Question:  What is the difference between and RV and an RI?   ...RI means they are re-instating the old value. An RV is revaluing at something different than the old value. Either one will be great for us.  If they re-Instate it – I believe the rate was $3 something…maybe $3.30 or so….  Even with a re-instatement they are able to add more for inflation which could put it in the $4 dollar range.  That is the basics. 

 I have a great bank story to share with you guys.  I will leave her name out for anonymity:  “Went to a JP Morgan Chase bank today. The teller confirmed that they are in training and admitted they are changing their systems. There was a 13 foot pillar advertisement – a LED screen that was saying “Foreign Currency Exchange”  And admitted
what you [MarkZ] and the others like Frank...others tell us. 
We were smiling a lot after that bank visit today."

Question:  What is your gut saying today Mark?  MarkZ:  My gut is screaming that we are on the precipice …I think my Iraqi contacts are right and we will see it before Dec 1st.

This was a very interesting weekend. Multiple redemption center contacts say they DID WORK THIS WEEKEND…not for redeeming people but for training new people to fill out their rosters.

This to me is a very big deal...according to my sources and other people’s sources…they were training more teller level individuals over the weekend in foreign currency and exchange procedures. This is absolutely exciting news. So redemption center folks were spending their Saturday and Sunday in preparation for our exchange. Very exciting. This tells me how extremely close we are. 

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