Wednesday, November 1, 2023



  [via PDK]  I have not heard from Iraqi sources in the sandbox yet today…. I know they had high anticipation for the 1st...Comment:  I think it will happen in January.   MarkZ:  I feel it will be much sooner…so much and all at one time.

A lot of people are saying it’s happening as we speak. And...we will see the fruition at some point tomorrow.   We’ll see.  I know we are close and can feel it...

  Question:  ... how do you RI at $3 with 90 TRILLION of Dinar printed?  

MarkZ:  Good Question:  There has been a number of stories in the recent past that they have gotten trillions of dinar off the streets or confiscated. We shared many of them over the last 9 months that they have pulled back in as much dinar as they could. Also they will pay for the RV over time with the “Oil for Dinar” program... 

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