Wednesday, November 29, 2023



  There's going to be a meeting with the CBI and the US Treasury in Dubai.  All you got to do is figure it out.  The first [meeting in Washington] was for what?  The American dollar.  So you go to the US Treasury.  This one is important for what The Iraqi dinar.  So you go to a place like Dubai. Would you go anywhere else?   ...It is exciting times.  It's amazing what's going on.   

 JP Morgan Chase is now actively involved with the Iraqi dinar They may doubt it half the time but the other half they guide you. 

 The Chief Executive Office of Chase Mr. Diamond released a document last month saying his bank is now supporting the Iraqi dinar 100% and he's building Chase Banks in Iraq.  The employees of Chase do not know what's going on in order to protect the corporation that will soon be exchanging the Iraqi dinar in America...

 Our time is coming to an end in my strong opinion.  I'm excited about the fact that 2024 is around the corner.

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