Sunday, November 12, 2023



  Article:  "Intensive Iraqi-American meetings in the Emirates result in important decisions regarding external transfers of the dollar”  

Quote: "The official Iraqi News Agency quoted a government source as saying that intensive meetings took place during the past few days in Abu Dhabi between a delegation from the Central Bank of Iraq and the American side responsible for foreign transfer operations to cover imports, indicating that the negotiations culminated in a number of decisions and mechanisms that contribute to facilitating procedures. Regarding external transfers related to imports through the foreign currency sales window."

Article: " Central Bank: Inflation rates in Iraq are low and their percentage is acceptable compared to countries in the region"

Article:  "Economist: It is not possible to mint an Iraqi coin currently, and inflation is a thousand times high ”

Article:  "Misdemeanor Integrity Court: Iraq has come a long way to get off the money laundering blacklist"

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