Wednesday, November 8, 2023



Q & A: 

Question From Roger: I ccannot really understand why CBI now considers to delay the reinstatement of the dinar. Iraq now enjoys security and stability like never before. Iraq now have a golden opportunity to release the new small category notes due to the stability in the country. Why is CBI so worried about a war far away that has nothing to do with Iraq? It seems that they want to find an excuse so that they dont have to raise the value of the dinar. Maybe corruption still lingers in CBI? There is a war on in Gaza – ground troops have invaded the Gaza strip – but this does not concern Iraq. Why must every duck be in a row in order to release the new small category notes? It seems that Iraq now wait for an escalation of the war so that they dont have to go international at all. If Iraq does not raise the value of the dinar very soon – they will go down the abyss and the world will reject Iraq and heavy sanctions will be imposed so that they cannto go international for 20 years. Is this the future they want. PM Sudani braggs every week that the dinar will soon be the strongest currency in the world and the pillar of middle east.

Answer Mnt Goat: Hello Roger, thanks for the question. First I need to add that PM Al-Sudani never PM Sudani bragged every week that the dinar will soon be the strongest currency in the world and the pillar of middle east. What he did say is the “dinar is stronger than the dollar”. His statement is true and yes it is. If you have been reading my blog all along I have shown you since last October even that the CBI announced that they would be handling the dollar differently beginning in January 2023. And so they began the de-dollarization process at that time and it has been ongoing since. Then in articles just recently they told us this project should have taken 6 years but they are trying to do it in a year. So, when is a year over? It is over in January 2024. Then what happens? They announced also that in January 2024 they will no longer be dealing in dollars in their country. Now to tell you the truth I am not certain but to me this article told us that they will no longer be getting the huge shipments of dollars from the US Treasury flown over to Iraq from the US mint. Will they still need some dollars? Sure they will still need some dollars but they no longer plan to support the currency auctions with dollars or send them to the banks to pay for imports. The “warning” has been given. Knowing all this what do you think is their next step?

I must also add that my contact in the CBI is telling me it is not Iraq that is holding back the redenomination or the reinstatement. It is the US Treasury. The CBI already has agreements with the World Bank and the IMF to go ahead but the US Treasury for their so-called “security reasons” keep holding it back. Yes, I totally agree this is the best time to do it and so does the CBI. What is nice to see, though, is the CBI and the GOI on the same page and both working together to get it done. Also, I want to add there is also corruption from the US and I have gone through all this with my readers already on the change that Obama made when he was president to the criteria from the Bush administration.

Please let’s keep praying for peace and to end the corruption but also importantly to bring those involved to justice or there will never be peace. This has been part of the problem all along. No one ever seems to go to jail unless you buck the system and honestly expose their corruption and are a threat to them. Yes, the wrong people are being targeted and set up with lies. But this is what happens when you control the FBI, NSA, CIA and the Justice system and have all the power.

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