Thursday, November 23, 2023

Parliamentary Committee: The American Ambassador Supports Her Country’s Decisions Against Iraq, 23 NOV

 Parliamentary Committee: The American Ambassador Supports Her Country’s Decisions Against Iraq

The Foreign Relations Committee in the House of Representatives said on Tuesday that US Ambassador Alina Romanowski did not play any positive role in supporting and strengthening the Iraqi dinar and resolving the dollar crisis that Iraq is witnessing due to American decisions.

Committee member Representative Amer Al-Fayez said in a press interview, “The American ambassador supports her country’s decisions against Iraq regarding the dollar crisis, and she did not play a positive role in supporting the Iraqi dinar.”

He added, "The American embassy in Baghdad submits reports to the American administration with various information, whether at the economic, political, or even security levels, and as a result of those reports, Washington takes some decisions, but we do not know anything about the American reports that are sent from Baghdad to Washington, except that it is... Certainly there are many unreal issues.”

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