Monday, November 27, 2023

Kurdistan Regional Government Concludes Meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister, 27 NOV

 Kurdistan Regional Government Concludes Meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister

The much-anticipated meeting between the delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani, the Prime Minister of Iraq, has concluded. Central to the discussions was the contentious issue of salaries. The KRG delegation is now engaged in another round of talks with a separate team from the Iraqi government.

Political Instability and Peshmerga Reform

In related news, the KRG’s Peshmerga Minister, Shoresh Ismail, returned to his post after more than a year of absence. Ismail cited the region’s political and military instability as the catalyst for his return. He urged the ruling political parties in the Kurdistan Region to cooperate more effectively to continue the Peshmerga reform process. His return was welcomed by President Nechirvan Barzani, signifying a shared commitment to this cause.

Commitment to Women’s Rights and Elimination of Gender-Based Violence

Diplomatic representatives, civil society leaders, and government officials in Erbil have reiterated their commitment to ending gender-based violence and promoting women’s rights in the Kurdistan Region. This comes as the country’s tallest skyscraper was illuminated in orange in observance of the 16 Days of Activism campaign. KRG Interior Minister Reber Ahmed acknowledged the improvements in the situation for women in the Kurdistan Region, but emphasized the ongoing need to combat inappropriate traditions.

Conflict and Development: A Dual Narrative

In an unsettling development, Turkish police detained 98 suspects alleged to have links with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militant group, most of them on a charge of spreading PKK propaganda on social media. This follows Ankara’s intensified attacks on Kurdish militants in Syria and Iraq. On the other hand, Iraq’s $17 billion ‘Development Road’ project will be linked by railway to Turkey via a border town in Northwestern Kurdistan. The rail line and a parallel motorway in the mega project will start from the Southern Iraqi Faw Port and pass through 10 governorates towards Faysh Khabur town close to the border with Turkey.

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