Saturday, November 4, 2023

French President Macron and Kurdistan’s Barzani Meet in Paris: A Symbol of Enduring Alliance, 4 NOV

French President Macron and Kurdistan’s Barzani Meet in Paris: A Symbol of Enduring Alliance

In what is being described as a ‘very important’ meeting for the stability of Iraq, French President Emmanuel Macron and Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani convened in Paris. The meeting aimed to bolster bilateral ties between France, Iraq, and the Kurdistan Region, while also exploring avenues for advancing mutual cooperation. A critical point of discussion was the current situation in Iraq and the wider region.

France and the Kurds: A Historical Bond

France shares a deep-rooted relationship with the Kurds and the Kurdistan Region, a bond that dates back to the 1980s. Danielle Mitterrand, the first lady of France from 1981 to 1995, played a pivotal role in advocating for the Kurds who were suffering under Saddam Hussein’s regime. France was among the first nations to establish a consulate in Erbil after Saddam Hussein’s fall in 2003, and has been instrumental in assisting the Kurds in Iraq and Syria in their fight against ISIS .

Regional Dynamics and the Role of France

The meeting between Macron and Barzani occurs at a pivotal time when regional dynamics are shifting, and delicate regional balance is at stake. The cancellation of the ‘Third Baghdad Conference’ owing to Iraq’s unstable situation paved the way for Barzani’s visit to Paris. The purpose of the meeting was to reaffirm France’s presence in Iraq and address the rapid changes in the country, while also aiming to prevent major conflicts in Iraq and the region.

France’s Interests and Investments

France has significant investments in Iraq, particularly in energy projects, and closely monitors the security and political shifts in the country. The meeting also occurred amidst concerns about the potential spillover of the Israel-Hamas conflict into the region. Macron’s urgency to meet Barzani underlines France’s interest in maintaining stability in Iraq, especially the Kurdistan Region.


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