Saturday, November 11, 2023

Arab League and OIC Summit Calls for Arms Embargo against Israel, 11 nov

Arab League and OIC Summit Calls for Arms Embargo against Israel

The Arab League and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) joint summit has issued a comprehensive resolution, urging for an arms embargo against Israel and calling for an immediate cessation of military operations in Gaza amid the escalating conflict. The summit also stressed the need for the International Criminal Court to expedite its investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinians.

Joint Stance of Arab and Muslim Leaders

Leaders at the summit advocated for the creation of two specialized legal monitoring units to document Israeli crimes in Gaza and prepare for legal proceedings in international courts. There were also calls for all countries to halt exporting weapons and ammunition to Israel. The summit, hosted by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, saw the Crown Prince condemning what he called a “barbaric war” against Palestinians and attributing the responsibility for the conflict to Israel.

Challenges to Consensus

Despite the unified calls for action, the summit faced challenges in reaching a consensus. An earlier draft resolution failed to gain a majority vote, with Tunisia and Iraq abstaining from the vote for the final resolution due to reservations on several points, including the two-state solution phrase and the phrase “killing civilians”. Nevertheless, the final resolution represents a unified stance from Arab and Muslim leaders.

Call for Accountability

The summit’s resolution called for a just and lasting peace based on the two-state solution and requested the international community to hold Israel responsible for its actions and protect the Palestinian people’s rights. It emphasized the need for the Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court to launch an immediate investigation into the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel against the Palestinian people in all occupied Palestinian territories. The resolution also condemned Israel’s destruction of hospitals in the Gaza Strip, the blockade imposed on the region, and the displacement of Palestinians from their homes

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