Monday, November 13, 2023

Anti-Corruption Commission: Arrest Of Major Figures Involved In Manipulating Exchange Rates, 13 NOV

 Anti-Corruption Commission: Arrest Of Major Figures Involved In Manipulating Exchange Rates

November 13, 2023   Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: The head of the supporting team of the Supreme Anti-Corruption Commission, Abu Ali Al-Basri, revealed on Monday that large corruption files had been opened, and that no one would protect those manipulating the dollar exchange rates.

Al-Basri said in a statement followed by Al-Masala, “The Anti-Corruption Committee has large operations in the governorates of Baghdad, Basra, Salah al-Din, and Anbar, as well as other operations in various places.”

He pointed out, “The committee’s work continues against those accused in corruption cases, and it was recently able to arrest 22 people involved in corruption operations,” noting, “The Anti-Corruption Committee is now carrying out major operations, some of which have affected people who had red lines on them.”

Al-Basri pointed out, “The Anti-Corruption Committee will not compliment anyone and has no red lines for anyone,” noting that “some files related to corruption need detailed study, and the committee has opened many files related to previous contracts concluded in state institutions.”

He continued, “The Supreme Anti-Corruption Committee also opened the file of financial inflation and it affected large people,” stressing, “There is coordination with Interpol regarding those wanted in corruption cases, and this includes even dual nationals.”

Al-Basri added, “The competent authorities have moved to a new stage in the file of combating corruption, preserving public money, returning stolen funds, and preventing any new transgression.”

He stated, “The government is serious about combating corruption and has modern treatment methods, including automating state institutions.”

Al-Basri explained, “The Supreme Committee has complete information about speculators at the exchange rate, and it will reach them, and no one will protect them,” pointing out, “Merchants who manipulate the exchange rate will be deprived of obtaining the dollar through the electronic platform at the Central Bank, and there is joint work and effort.” It is carried out by various state agencies, starting with the support team, various agencies, the judiciary, and the Integrity Commission.”

He stated, “There is a major campaign to monitor the market and illicit sales, and the supporting agency was able to arrest major figures who were involved,” noting, “The process of obtaining the dollar and foreign trade has exceeded 90% through the electronic platform and that things are moving in the right direction.”

He stressed that “the state provides great support for many goods and also provides many facilities to merchants,” explaining that “the inflation index has decreased in Iraq compared to many countries, including neighboring countries.”

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