Monday, October 16, 2023


 Sun. 15 Oct. Evening: Wolverine on the Global Currency Reset:“They are really close to get this done. St Germaine is getting ready to release the funds. The Tier 1 platform is getting ready and will be paying advance payment of $10,000 to all members for the time being until they start releasing all the funds. Dubai 1 has all been released and Dubai 2 is nearly finished. I’m praying that by Tues. 17 Oct. we should be ready to go.”

  • The money is moving towards us!!
  • Successful cleanup and updated QFS.
  • D.O.D, unlock codes for elderly locked and moving forward
  • Billions released for humanitarian projects.
  • The payers paid.
  • Bond teams received some signatures. The remaining groups of each level will be paid in full: Tiers1,2,3,4.
  • Banks completed the remaining layers of payments overnight  Sun. 15 Oct.
  • The launch algorithms will be ready Mon. 16 Oct.
  • Those who attempt to interfere and delay will be arrested and replaced within hours.
  • All equipment reinforces security at multiple levels and dimensions.
  • There will be 20 days of DISCLOSURE.
  • Everything posted by 2k Mules, soft announcements about arrests and notifications
  • New technology is being installed.
  • All banks linked to gold bullion eliminating multiple problems.
  • Get ready for the shotgun start!!!
  • Celebrations as liberation continues. Keep the faith. God bless us.

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