Thursday, October 5, 2023



Baghdad Today – Baghdad

A video clip, today, Thursday (October 5, 2023), showed an Iraqi citizen exploding in anger because of the Jordan National Bank’s refusal to hand over his money in US dollars.

According to the video clip obtained by “Baghdad Today,” “The Iraqi citizen wanted to withdraw money from his balance, which he deposited in one of the banks and his account in US dollars, but the National Bank linked to Jordan refused to hand over his money to him except in dinars and at the official rate exclusively.”

(WOW! They are finally really clamping down on the dollar. )

More news….


(When the CBI talks, I listen…. 😊)

A senior central bank of Iraq official said the  country will ban cash withdrawals and U.S. dollar transactions from January 1, 2024, in the latest effort to curb the misuse of the country’s hard currency reserves for financial crimes and evade U.S. sanctions on Iran.

Mazen Ahmed, director general of the Investment and Remittances Department at the Central Bank of Iraq, told Reuters the aim of the move is to stop the illegal use of about 50% of the $10 billion in cash imported annually by Iraq from the Federal Reserve Bank in New York.

The move comes as part of a broader campaign to stop the economy’s dependence on the dollar after residents began to prefer the US currency over the dinar. People who deposit dollars in banks before the end of 2023 will be able to withdraw dollars in 2024, Ahmed said. But dollars deposited in 2024 can only be withdrawn in local currency at the official rate of 1,320 dinars to the dollar.

(My question with the article is this. If they have been having a issue with the dollar since January 2023 then why wait until January 2024 (almost 3 more months) to finally cut off all the dollars and to stop the last avenue of the economy’s dependence on the dollar? We hav read article after article on the challenges of cutting off the black market. So why January 2024 if this date was also not connecting with some other event? I think we know what this even may be…hint…hint…hint 😊)


I have to say I really get a kick out of these idiot intel gurus who tell you and I quote – “everything is ready to go”. Visting gurus? What the hell is a visiting guru? How in hell do you know this is true? How many times have I heard this nonsense over the decades I have been following this RV?

Years ago, the so-called, self-proclaimed, egocentric, guru Bruce on his “Big Stupid Call” said that Iraq RV’d in-country at $9. Really? How stupid can anyone get to even say this outloud. Did he verify it before opening his big fat mouth? Where is the lack of knowledge of how the RV process will work and what affect this would have. Where is the common sense even? So its years since his claim. Did Bruce ever apologize to his so-called “millions of listeners” what ever happened to the $9? Oh…don’t blame your sources Bruce! You are stupid enough to listen to them and so you are to blame. Do you get my point here today? I don’t want to bash anyone but they are just all confusing you and not helping you. Later after they are proven to be wrong they blame their own nonsense on their “sources”. They are like parrots and just repeat what they hear – ‘poly want a cracker”? Yet, at the same time, on the same call, they tell you how good their “sources” are and how much they trust them. Really? Do you see how stupid this all is? It is all just gross negligence and over speculation and nothing more. The more of an idiot and stupid they can be they are. Just when you think it can’t get any worst it does….. Some new idiot decides to start a call or a YouTube and it begins all over again.. 

This is all why I started my Mnt Goat Newsletter many years ago. I had to put some sanity, logic and TRUTH into this process of learning about our investment.  I had to take out the RUMORS and OPINIONS and get down to what is really happening in Iraq. I am lucky too that I started early enough in this investment. I witnessed them issuing the 3 zero notes. And so I learned from Dr Shabibi and what he tried to accomplish in Iraq. The ONLY reason why he did not finish this RV and Reinstatement across the finish line is that he got stopped due to the corruption under Nori al-Maliki who was a puppet for the US led CIA operations in Iraq at that time and who didn’t want Iraq to succeed or move ahead at that time. Maybe the US CIA still does not and so what impact does this have? Is it really the CIA holding back the RV? Why won’t these so-called intel gurus talk about this?

Oh..instead they will deny what I am saying and laugh about it over their calls….watch…. Heck.. many of these intel gurus don’t even believe that Joe Biden and his family are corrupt and committed any crimes. They think the republicans are making it all up, yet the evidence is overwhelming…. So how can you even trust them then to know about what is happening in Iraq when they don’t follow their own politics in their own country?

I don’t believe there is a single guru out there today that has been “boots on the ground” in Iraq as I had been during my tours in Iraq as an Intelligence Officer in the US Army. I know the people and I know how they think. This is VERY important to understanding this investment since the news can be at times FAKE news and propaganda. My military training also has moved me to a new level of being able to piece together bits of information and attempt to tie it all together to form a pretty good picture of what is going on. I don’t need bank screens or bank memos that get you nowhere. This too is all just speculation. Get it? Do I have contacts in the banks? Yes, but the most important bank of all is the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI).

 Why don’t I listen to the US banks then and pass their nonsense on to you? I will tell you why. It’s because they only listen to these gurus too, just like you do and then pass on the same bullshit to other gurus, like TNT Tony, that calls them for info. Get it? The bullshit just goes around and around and around….. sadly enough!

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