Thursday, October 12, 2023


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(This is why Al-Sudani went to Russia to meet with Putin. Get it now? Yes, its all about the Dinar and de-dollarization.)

Information / Baghdad

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani concluded a visit to the Russian capital, Moscow, which he visited the day before yesterday, Tuesday.

The economist Bassem Anton, Thursday, the Iraqi-Russian agreement in transactions between the two countries in the local currency dinar and ruble will open new doors with other countries to deal in local currencies, which will reduce demand for the dollar, describing the agreement as a “masterstroke.”

Anton said in a statement to Al-Maalouma that “raising the issue of dealing between Iraq and the Russian Federation at the level of the two highest personalities had a role in the agreement with the Russian side to conduct transactions between the two countries in the local currencies ruble and dinar, especially that the volume of Russian annual investments in Iraq amounted to 19 ten billion annually, and this is a very large number.”

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The State of Law coalition revealed a new government project related to trade exchange between Iraq and three countries, while clarifying America’s position on that, and its impact on the dollar.

The leader of the coalition, Jassim Muhammad, said in a press interview, “There is a new government project to adopt currencies other than the dollar to deal with several countries, including China, Iran, and Russia, ” stressing that “this project, if implemented correctly, will work to reduce the demand for the dollar in Iraqi markets.”

He added, “The project to create a currency for exchange between Iraq and these countries will greatly affect the dollar and will lead to a decline in its prices,” stressing that “the current rise in dollar exchange rates in Iraq will not be able to be reduced by any party, whether the central bank or others, as long as the demand for it is high.” .

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Baghdad Today – Baghdad

Today, Thursday (October 12, 2023), dollar prices recorded a significant decline in the local markets in the capital, Baghdad.

The “Baghdad Today” correspondent said, selling prices in money exchange shops in the capital, Baghdad, amounted to 161,500 Iraqi dinars for every 100 US dollars, while purchasing prices recorded 159,500 Iraqi dinars for every 100 US dollars.”

Yesterday, Wednesday (October 11, 2023), the selling price of the dollar in banking offices in the capital, Baghdad, reached 163,000 dinars for every 100 dollars.

Private banks are accused of taking over the largest part of the currency selling window, especially for the cash dollar, which has become extremely difficult for travelers to obtain, which forces them to buy the dollar from the parallel market, while the travelers’ share of the dollar in these banks goes for the purpose of speculation.

(But where does the parallel market get the dinar to sell at a higher rate? This is at the heart of what the CBI needs to fix. They shut down the street exchangers already. People must go to the bank to get dollars but only under legal circumstances. Unfortunately they are still lying and illegally obtaining dollars as long as the parallel market rate is higher than the CBI official rate.) 


In one of the articles from this period of today’s news, Advisor to the Prime Minister for Investment Affairs, Muhammad Al-Najjar,  on Wednesday explained that what is happening in this transformation and this process of currency reform is that we are trying to return everything to the global system, which all Iraqi governments were late in this action, and some of them completely ignored the requests directed, (yes, they shunned Dr Shababi in 2011-2013 for his efforts) and these requests are correct in reality. Okay so this recent statement by Al-Najjar backs up what I just told you in my last Newsletter about Dr Shabibi and his comments on the process being delayed and the ill effects of it.

Al-Najjar also pointed out that what we were supposed to do in six years, we are trying to accomplish in one year, and this greatly affected the exchange rate of the dollar, adding that the second thing that happened was the presence of major corruption within a group of banks and banking companies, which led to smuggle dollars. (This shows us the current urgency of getting the process completed and confirms that this is the year they want to complete the currency reform. They are saying the process is set up to take 6 years but they are trying to do it in 1 year. Get it?)

Then in another of the articles from today, Al-Shabki added and I quote from the article: “It appears that there are efforts being made to attack these measures by some parties, exchange companies, and banks, with the aim of increasing pressure on the Central Bank and its governorby trying to postpone the implementation of these measures.” It is expected that there will be an increase in these pressures in the future, including increased pressure on the government to prevent unification of the exchange rate and control the parallel market price.

He then concluded by saying: “We hope that the Central Bank will remain steadfast and independentstand against pressure and rumors, and continue to implement international standards and prudent measures that will improve and stabilize Iraq’s economy and exchange rate.”

(So, you can see there are elements that do not want the currency reform to be completed since the goose with the golden eggs will end. I assure you it will end and end soon! This corruption will not continue.)

In today’s news we also find out that the Parliamentary Finance Committee member Moeen Al-Kazemi told Baghdad Al-Youm will move to investigate the issue of the Jordan National Bank’s acquisition of 70% of the currency selling window, and we will work to host officials at the Central Bank in order to follow up on this file and what is going on here. Al-Kadhimi stated and I quote from the article:  “The government and the Central Bank are still working to launch reform packages in order to control the rise in dollar prices and end the difference in the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market, and the coming days may witness the launch of new reform packages.”

Then on Wednesday, the State of Law Coalition revealed a new government project related to trade exchange between Iraq and three countries to adopt currencies other than the dollar to deal with several countries, including China, Iran and Russia, stressing that this project should work to reduce the demand for dollars in the Iraqi markets. So, this was their big announcement this week for reform package to control the rise in the dollar prices.

So, in conclusion of today’s news, I just wanted to point out to you what is going on in Iraq without any rumors but VERIFIED and FACTUAL information. This is where we are right now in this RV process. No! We will absolutely, positively, without a shadow of a doubt in my mind, will not see the reinstatement prior to early January and January 2024 at the earliest.

-Can we maybe see the in-country RV soon, as part of the process of conversion to the newer lower denominations? :

Yes! This is possible and it may occur around December according to my source in the CBI.

-Will the bombing in Israel effect the currency reform process? :

Yes! It will affect the process as caution to any fallout in Iraq must be taken. It may destabilize the region and Iraq included. Remember Iraq needs a level of STABILITY and SECURITY to complete the reforms. The terrorist organization itself has mentioned Iraq in particular and wants to destabilize the region of the middle east once again. These are wicked evil people who want to destroy any hope in the people of the region and the west. They have clos ties to Iran and more than likely used weapons purchased from the 6 billion dollars just released to Iran. Amas and Palestine ties to weapon stashes left in Afghanistan too are now under investigation. The truth will come out and the prophets tell us there are ties too to what is going on in the Ukraine to this Israeli bombing on Saturday. I can say what these ties are but it will all come out and be exposed.

Remember that our prophets are telling us that this period beginning with the new Hebrew year starting in mid-September would be turbulent, in fact the most turbulent yet up until December and early January. As we pass into the new year we will slowly see things turn around in all aspects. These prophetic words also give me hope that the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar is part of this turn around. Remember what the prophets told us that when the going get really bad, turn to God and not FEAR. Fear is evil and satanic and makes you do things that you would not normally want to do. Later you normally regret it. We must keep praying now more than ever. I can not over emphasize this.

Remember I know much more of what is going on behind the scenes that I am not telling you and can’t tell you. I know this reinstatement process has to continue to the end and is going to move quickly now and has to move now that of the Israeli bombings. How can I prove this to you?

The two articles in particular that I explained parts of in my above opening dialogue paragraphs explains it all and what I have been telling you all along. It finally all comes out in black and white. 😊 So there is your proof! So, Mnt Goat is not full of shit and it real and does know the situation happening in Iraq. I don’t need to lie to you or make things up to “sell news” as bullshit.

The Israeli bombings will be retaliated by Israel and it will be swift. Already they have rounded up the perpetrators in country. They are planning a massive evasion of Gaza and the prime minister has told the people the army will end this terrorism once and for all this time. What does this mean? Please listen to part of the Elijah Streams presentation by prophet Robin Bullock on Monday 10/9 in the below link. I believe this explains it and so we just have to sit tight now and pray and wait.

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