Tuesday, October 3, 2023



  Iraq has to be Article VIII to ascend to the WTO...Are they going to say they're Article VIII at 1300

 No they're not.  Absolutely not.  Theoretically/technically they could but they're not...

How do we know they're not?   They'll implode.  They cannot do all the things listed on the budget.  Why would you go at 1300 to 1 when you could go 1 to 4


 The budget has not been approved to date.  That means it remains in an incomplete unapproved state...Yes they voted on it since last June but...

two Sundays ago Iraq's council of Ministers...did a draft amendment to the budget making it so it's no longer in an approved state.  Parliament still needs to approve the budget again...The budget right now is incomplete and unapproved by parliament.  

Community comment:  "Iraq is a sovereign country."  If Iraq was really sovereign that would mean no other country would have any power or control over them.  They would have their independence and they would have possession of all their country's property. 

 We're still waiting on the House of representatives within the United States to vote to remove the United State's War Authorization off of Iraq...That's one level of not having sovereignty and still having restrictions on Iraq.

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