Tuesday, October 24, 2023



   Article:  "Iraq recovers $70 million smuggled into Switzerland"  Remember I spoke about this before that there's a lot of unaccounted for Iraqi dinar that's somewhere.  It's considered stolen. 

 So before they do any kind of RV or major RI they have to make sure to account for as much of it as possible to make sure when they do this they're not enriching some terrorist group...This is great news.  That's a huge chunk of money they got from over there in Switzerland.  Let's hope they continue to recover it all.  The sooner the better.

People keep asking me, 'In your opinion Pimpy are we going to see a change in the exchange rate before the end of the year?

 I say no but if we do it's not going to be very significant.  If anything you might see it go from 1320 down to maybe 1,200.  It's at least a step in the right direction and I'll take it...I don't care how small it is just as long as they're doing something with the current exchange rate.  Baby steps that's fine. [NOTE: Going "down" from 1320 to 1200 is good for dinar investors.]

They need to 100% de-dollarize.  And I mean all markets with stiff penalties.  We understand they have to do it [Use the dollar] when they're doing sales of oil but everything else stiff penalties. 

 Nobody else is allowed to use US dollars.  I wouldn't even sell them to the locals.  There's always going to be a black market.  You have countries under sanctions like Iran, Turkey Syria all under sanctions by the United States and they want US dollars.  This is a poor predicament Iraq is in but they need to do something...

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