Monday, October 16, 2023



  Question: "Please explain what you mean by dirty float. There are different monetary policies that people could put into place to control their exchange rates.  A dirty float is a free float with the government's ability to intervene at any time.

 There's no proof whatsoever that anybody inside our congress hold Iraqi dinar.  Now I'm not saying they don't because the truth of the matter is most of them are in the know. 

So if something big is going to happen I guarantee they're going to have Iraqi dinar.  But where's the proof that congress has Iraqi dinar?  Where's the proof that Trump has it?  

You know that's a funny thing, I believe Trump was asked one time and he said he didn't have any at the time but was thinking about it..

Question: "I'm confused, are you for an RV or you saying it's not going to happen?"  What do you  mean?  

What part are you confused about?  I'm for an RV, hell yeah man! Let it happen tomorrow.  Geez.  I'm for an RV, I'm just saying  we're grounded...I'm not negative.  I'm telling you the truth...I'm saying the RV will happen in increments.  Are you talking about a reinstatement, the $3.22 rate?  No, that's not going to happen... 

 The one major issue with Iraq is they rely too much on oil.  I don't care what them guys tell you about, 'oh, they're article VIII compliant.

 That doesn't mean crap.  Compliant what?  Article VIII of what?  What article VIII are you talking about? 

 The biggest issue with Iraq besides the fact they don't have a stable economy and their government is not stable is they rely way too much on oil...

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