Saturday, October 7, 2023


 Mnt Goat 

  I asked [my CBI contact in Iraq] about the project to delete the zeros and was told it is coming and is now an active project no longer just a later project.

 I asked for some target dates and was given that they planned to redenominate sometime prior to the end of the year. To me this is so inline what we are thinking for a January 2024 reinstatement timeframe and other events also lining up.


[via WiserNow]  They are trading the rates up. Iraq did what they needed to do. They're all good to go. They've already been sending out hydrocarbon law funds on the on the profit sharing, if you will of the oil and gas in Iraq...
maybe we get notified Saturday, maybe it's Monday afternoon, but either way we go we're definitely moving forward this final result for us...

 I don't really talk specifically on rates...But...we've got very strong rates on dinar and Dong well into double digits.

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