Militia Man
Every one asks why isn't it [HCL] done yet?
...Everybody wants it today...I know everybody wants it. So do I, but the truth is we're seeing things that's never been done before...They have the law out there and written. They just haven't got to it...
I think we all know...if they were going to do it at 1310, 1305 or 1320 they would have already done this by now and they haven't...I hope and pray...the thing that they need is an international Article VIII compliant exchange rate...
A lot of different things that go on behind the scenes that your average person has no idea that it's even going on. They're just looking for what we all are to some degree - When's it going to go, when's it going to happen.
But it's a complex process and the awesome thing about it is what we're seeing in public and behind the scenes is showing it's coming. It's coming fast. It's coming furious. It's good.
If you've been paying attention closely, it isn't just the oil and gas law anymore. It's the oil, gas and natural resources law.
They're going to add more to it so the citizens are going to benefit from this...that's all the politicians too. Everybody in the country is going to benefit from it...
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