Sunday, October 8, 2023


 MarkZ   [via PDK]

 Very quiet overnight on the RV side…..but, great expectations for this weekend or the first part of this week. My redemption center folks are on call this weekend. They are not at work…they are “on call”...Last week I told you all that I know a number of bankers...put on “stand by” for imminent currency value changes. I thought this was huge news. My bank crew is sure ramped up and expecting something big this week. 

…no update yet...from redemption center to whether they expect to work this weekend. I have been hitting a brick wall…their phones seem to be turned off…. I don’t know if that is a great thing or a coincidence. Yesterday a number of them told me they are on “stand by” specifically for currency exchanges. I think this is huge.   Let’s see if something comes of it.

 More chatter on the Iraqi side of things with great expectations for the weekend.  Most are looking Late Saturday/early Sunday for something from Iraq. Some type of announcement?

A lot of my sources feel that Monday is our day…A lot of them …actually...think our day is before that and Monday is when we start going to the bank!  They are all expecting big things this weekend. I am hesitant to say if it’s a “go” or “not a go” just yet.   But I am excited about the potential. There is nothing negative at all.

  ...From the banking side (I got this from a couple different sources) So from bankers in different states…They were told they are officially on “STAND BY”... We have not seen that in a very, very long time…and I have never gotten it from multiple states in different areas that are un-related…AND, these are from different top-tier banks.  So this is something going out from multiple banks…in multiple states. 

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