Monday, October 9, 2023



 Article:  “Iraq Central bank warns Iraqi banks refusing USD withdrawals”  

...Iraq has to be positively livid with the US government right now…don't let it throw you Iraqi sources believe we are on the fast track…and this situation with Israel and Hamas will not cause more than a slight speed bump in the RV. I hope they are accurate.

 Very quiet overnight on the RV side…..

but, great expectations for this weekend or the first part of this week. My redemption center folks are on call this weekend. They are not at work…they are “on call”...

Last week I told you all that I know a number of bankers...put on “stand by” for imminent currency value changes. I thought this was huge news. My bank crew is sure ramped up and expecting something big this week. 

…no update yet...from redemption center to whether they expect to work this weekend. 

I have been hitting a brick wall…their phones seem to be turned off…. I don’t know if that is a great thing or a coincidence. Yesterday a number of them told me they are on “stand by” specifically for currency exchanges. I think this is huge.   Let’s see if something comes of it.

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