Thursday, October 26, 2023



 [via PDK]  News from Iraq continues to be very positive...The majority of my Iraqi contacts believe we will see RV somewhere between now and the first. Remember that none us of know for certain what the timing is. I’m just telling you what they are feeling and hearing from inside their own country. These people are in banking and government.

 There is a lot of repetition in the news… We have shared many articles over the last few days/weeks on improvements in the banking system in Iraq…. Articles about how they have secured their borders…how they are attracting more money into the banks…(85% of the dinar is outside the banking system in Iraq) and they are trying to make their banking system more attractive. I do not think this will be successful until there is a value change in the dinar.  Why put it in the banks when it’s not worth much?

 While digging for news on timing…all I am getting is circle-tel. Some of my better sources keep telling me “soon”...not yet, but extremely soon...There is so much disinformation right now to keep the timing clouded...stay calm…Yes sources say its soon…far closer than we think...

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