Saturday, October 21, 2023



[via PDK]

We were warned that we would see rough things before it happened and we are…I firmly believe we are much closer than it appears. …they could just pull the trigger at any time.

Question: Rumor has it that currency dealers have been notified to stop selling currency after 11:59 CST. Any idea if this is accurate at all?

MarkZ: I was told they would stop selling right before the RV…of course they can change the wording and maybe slow down if they think it’s really close.

In Iraq:
“Barzoni and the CBI Governor discuss economic cooperation”

It was great to see this article come out today. This is a feel good article on how much has been accomplished. I am also getting reports from a finance ministry contact in Iraq that things are exceptionally good right now between Barzoni and the government of Iraq. So this is fantastic.

There is still lots of chatter out of Iraq…there is a huge project that is underway right now as they look to fix their housing crisis. “Bismayah New City”   

This is part of the national housing program …massive new city about 10 miles north of Baghdad. Huge project and they have already broken ground.

 Where is this money coming fromHow are they planning the potential 600,000 population city with houses, high rises, entertainment…you name it?

 It’s clear Iraq is planning for prosperity. They are going to need a new exchange rate to justify this cityimo.

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