Saturday, October 14, 2023



[via PDK]

Question: What happens to the US if Iraq joins BRICS? What happens to the RV or the dinar?

MarkZ: We’ll get the RV anyway. If Iraq joins BRICS and goes solo they would basically be giving up on billions of dollars that the US is holding of theirs. It may not be as big an RV (revaluation) as we would like …but imo it would still be a substantial one… Our best days are ahead of us.

A lot of Iraqi sources are claiming we will see a brand new Iraq on Sunday… They have great expectations and many of them are pointing to Sunday. > They believe peace will break out with an RV. (revaluation)

We were getting strange rates in Iraq today…It doesn’t seem to be an official process but an unofficial process. Many merchants or money handlers have put a different value on their dinar. They believe the dinar is about to take a serious spike in value. So they were charging a premium if you wanted any of their dinar...

 It’s been an interesting day but, I have not been able to confirm the rumors of $1.13 or so rate…but I can verify the number of sources that tell me “yes, there were major wild swings in the dinar based on who you were negotiating with…I could not confirm the rates many…have said…

I can verify the value swung greatly today. I believe it's telling us that the people of Iraq believe the timing is very, very soon.

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